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Hearing Test

Hearing Testing for Adults & Children

At Hearing Institute of Ontario, we provide a comprehensive hearing test so that you have a complete understanding of your hearing health.

What Does a Hearing Test Involve?

A hearing test is an entirely safe and pain free procedure performed in a sound proof booth that will take approximately 30 minutes for an adult and 45 minutes for a child.

A Hearing Institute of Ontario will perform a comprehensive hearing test that actually includes five different procedures:

  • Physical examination of the out ear and ear canal
  • Pure tone audiogram
  • Speech discrimination test
  • Tympanometric assessment
  • Bone Conduction Test
Audiogram Sample
Audiogram sample

During Pure Tone testing, our audiologist will play a set of tones at different frequencies and intensities to measure the faintest sound a person can detect. The response is recorded in a line graph form and the resulting chart is known as an audiogram to determine the shape and level of hearing loss.

The Speech Discrimination test determines how well a person can discern words at different volume levels. Our audiologist will present words at different decibel levels and ask the person being tested to repeat the words.

The Tympanometric Assessment measures the middle ear volume and the mobility of the eardrum. This test can identify problems like a punctured eardrum or fluid build-up behind the eardrum.

Bone Conduction testing uses pure tones delivered to the inner ear using a headband device that bypasses the outer ear. This test will determine the type of hearing loss that you have which will determine the appropriate treatment.

Our Hearing Test Procedures and Policies

Free Hearing Aid Evaluation

This comprehensive hearing evaluation will determine if you have a hearing loss and would benefit from hearing aids. Our Audiologist will  provide recommendations for the type and style of hearing aids that would best suit your hearing loss and lifestyle needs. This test is suitable for adults who are interested in improving their hearing ability.

FEE: Complimentary to clients aged 18+

Comprehensive Hearing Test

This audiologic examination will include multiple diagnostic tests including pure tone and bone conduction audiometry, tympanogram and speech recognition as required. The patient will be provided with test results in the form of an Audiogram, Audiologic Report and  recommendations for further treatment as required. This test is suitable for clients referred by their family physician and those reporting tinnitus, plugged ears or other symptoms in addition to, or in the absence of hearing loss.
FEE: $98 and a copy of the audiogram is included.

For clients aged 5 to 18, we offer hearing tests at a price of $125 and a copy of the audiogram is included. We do not test children under the age of 5.

Click Here or Call 1-888-664-2999 to schedule your Hearing Test.

Value Pricing
& Special Offers

Hearing Aids

3 Easy Steps to
Better Hearing

Take Our Online
Hearing Test

Differences Between an Audiologist and a Hearing Instrument Dispenser

Audiologists and Hearing Instrument Specialists are both professionals trained to evaluate, diagnose, and treat hearing and balance issues, but their roles, educational backgrounds, and scopes of practice differ. Here are some key differences:

Educational Background


Hearing Instrument Specialist

audiologist vs HID educational background
audiologist vs HID scope of practice

Scope of Practice


Hearing Instrument Specialist

Regulatory Bodies


Hearing Instrument Specialist

audiologist vs HID services provided

Services Provided


Hearing Instrument Specialist

All client care at Hearing Institute of Ontario is provided by certified Audiologists who are registered with the College of Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists of Ontario


Book your no cost, no obligation hearing test today. Learn if you have a hearing loss and get expert advice from our certified audiologist about  how to improve your hearing.

Call us today at 1-888-664-2999 or use the green button below to schedule your free hearing test and get started on your journey to better hearing.


Free Hearing Aid

Buy one hearing aid and get the second for free.

This offer applies to our most popular hearing aid models from Signia, Phonak and Widex. Call 1‑888‑664‑2999 today to book your no‑cost, no‑obligation consultation!

Conditions: Offer expires May 31, 2023 and applies to the purchase of any Premium technology hearing aids from Signia, Widex and Phonak. Private sales only. Standard dispensing fee applies to both hearing aids.