Hearing is a very intricate sense, so it is no surprise that we sometimes have difficulty deciding on which type of professional to see for different hearing issues.
An Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist (ENT) is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the ear. In contrast, an Audiologist has at least a Master’s Degree, and specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss of all ages. Audiologists are also specifically trained to fit and adjust hearing aids. Lastly, Hearing Instrument Specialists (HIS) are hearing care professionals with a College degree. They are licensed to perform hearing tests to those over the age of 19; dispense and fit hearing aids and recommend hearing aid solutions. However, they are not licensed to diagnose or treat hearing disorders.
Thus, you would want to first search for an Audiologist if you are noticing any change to your hearing, or are concerned about your child’s speech and language development. In contrast, you pursue an ENT physician if you feel you had a sudden drop in your hearing, are experiencing vertigo or had trauma to the head or ear.
The Audiologists at Hearing Institute of Ontario provide comprehensive hearing healthcare to our patients. We are also very fortunate to be associated with an ENT physician. We work together to ensure that you receive a complete approach to your hearing healthcare. Call us to discuss your hearing needs and look at what solutions may be the most appropriate for you.